The week of July 23rd could have been the roughest week in a very long time for me were it not for this one, random thing done by this one, random woman who I consider my Starbucks benefactor. I was in line, at Starbucks on a Tuesday morning. And if you are a frequenter of Starbucks you are familiar with how much of your time waiting in line at Starbucks can take. It's similar to Atlanta traffic. I waited and I waited. I was able to return a phone call, check and respond to two emails before placing my order. I ordered a Lime Refresher. The total came up to $3.45. I pull up to the window and my order was already paid for. I received a note to accompany my beverage that read, "God Bless You. Have a great Friday".
This was something so random and so remarkable and though this was not the first time something like this has happened to me, it was the first time that it started a ripple effect. I took to Facebook and posted a copy of the letter and even offered a challenge for everyone who commented on, or liked my post regarding the start to my Tuesday to do the same thing. I had quite a few likes for this post. If only one person offered some random act of kindness to a stranger after reading my post I can feel like I made a difference to some else's day, albeit indirectly. I felt so good, I went to a McDonald's and randomly paid $2.12 for another's random order. I gave the recipient of my "gift" the very same note I received from Starbucks with an additional note urging him to "pay it forward". And even in not knowing the outcome for sure, something tells me he did. I kept the receipt in my wallet as a reminder of how something so little can make a big difference.
So that is what birthed this blog. I have blogged about completely useless information. I have even read blogs about completely useless information, but all of that changed in a matter of me spending $2.12 on someone who didn't expect it. So what does this all mean? What now? This means filtering through information, experiences and advice to make "A Better Me" thus hopefully helping you to make a better you for your family, your friends and ultimately the world. That's a daunting task, I know, but we have to start somewhere. I'm starting with the $3.45 that was gifted to me and ultimately gifted to someone else in another form. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts, after all. There are little things we can all do to make life easier for each other.
I hope you enjoy. I hope you share. I hope you stay tuned.
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