Friday, March 4, 2016

Investments Are Our Future

I love a new tube of lipstick. I love to buy well-made clothing and admittedly some cheaply made clothing too. My last time buying shoes, I bought 8 pair in a weekend. In my defense I purchased 3 for me, one for my mother and four for my son. Of those the obscene amount of shoes I purchased for the Bubba, one of those pairs were new soccer cleats for this season. (But if you have to qualify why you do something your guilty conscious is speaking to you. And I'm sounding a little like my mother now.) Bottom line is I like to make myself feel good with my disposable income. Aside from the comfort I get from knowing that my bills are paid on time, and the sense of responsibility I get from exercising the restraint I should in avoiding eating out frequently, or attending every event, or even frequently making unnecessary purchases, I get great satisfaction in making good investments.

It’s no secret that I have big plans for myself. I have actually shared those big plans with a few people who have been nothing but supportive along the way.  But today, I truly feel like I have done two very important things to invest in my future. And I feel that if you are going to invest in someone why not invest in yourself.  To invoke some imagery here, I single-handedly add some additional sunshine and water to the seeds I have planted. What I did today might even qualify as fertilizer. (It’s amazing that I immediately thought of vegetation for my example considering I have a black thumb and not a green one. Don’t leave your plants with me if you want them to live.) Either way you describe it, I feel good about the investment I made into myself and even though I was nervous about what I was doing at first, I took the leap of faith because as Benjamin Franklin so poignantly spoke it, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”.  I guess today we can translate that into “YOLO, Son!”… or not.

So here’s a little nugget for those of us who are at a crossroads, who don’t really know what to do or where to put that little bit of change you saved. Spend that money on you and I don't mean shoes. (Oh the hypocrisy, but I digress....) Spend that money on something that is either going to further a cause, your career, or your health. Invest in yourself. Only you and your positive attitude can guarantee a positive return on your investment.  Take care of the seeds you are planting by making investments along the way and most importantly keep at it; your goals that is.  Don’t stop your pursuits for no one or nothing. 

I really could use a new handbag, though. ;-)

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