Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Art of "Gitter Done"

My blog…. My blog. It was a good idea when I had it. I write it in spurts.  Perhaps it’s because as a true Aquarius I have so many ideas in my head at one time; and also because I have proclivities of taking on more than any one person should ever handle, that I fail to focus enough on one single thing. It’s the biggest on my short list of failings.  I have a fear of wasting my time so I move on pretty fast too. If one thing isn’t working to my lofty expectations, I move on. That’s a good and a bad thing. Good, because my “fall back game” is strong. And I don't look back either.  My aunt used to tell me I was hardcore. My uncle told me I will “quit” people quickly if they mess up. My mother still tells me she doesn’t worry at all about me because of this. I seem to have a handle on knowing when to “fold ‘em”, and even if my heart was really in it. 

Bad- because I have a laundry list of things I feel like I need to do and haven't completed. I have yet to complete my annual beginning-of-the-year vision board. We are now in March and I try to do this by the end of January....mea culpa.  I have yet to mail out, already written, thank you cards from last November. I have yet to complete a lot of things that are on my mental and tangible check-lists, but I know one day I will get them all done.  “One day” of course being a relative term. (See what I did there?)

I don't finish what I start. I have many goals that haven't reached fulfillment, but many more goals that have. If I applied more of myself to what I have started...never mind. Well I had the opportunity to meet with a very prominent man last week in Georgia. In my mind I call him Mr. Dapper. He was very polite, very dapper, smelled amazing and had a quiet and stoic presence about him. I dig stoic men. I get why he is popular. I get why everyone he walks by won’t let him get from point A to point B without stopping him to say just about any little feeble or vapid thing. “Hi Mr. Dapper, I like that shade of blue on your suit.” or “Hi Mr. Dapper, do you iron your socks or are they naturally wrinkle-free?”, people sincerely and palpably want his attention. They look for his feedback. And he always gives it in his polite and consistent manner. He is as credible as he is cool and I lucked up got to pick his brain for an afternoon. (Thanks Mayme.)

To know me is to know that while I'm very inquisitive, I am very selective in the messages I chose to receive; the old platitude of “considering the source” and “taking [things] with a grain of salt” wasn’t lost on me.  I guess that attitude comes with the territory of being hardcore.  Well Mr. Dapper spoke about a lot of things last week. He referenced a few books, he spoke about his life experiences, and everything he stated was salient to our conversation. However, one main thing stuck out, he told me to find a way to work toward my goals every day. Now this is just what this self-proclaimed  idealist-but-non-finisher needed to hear. He basically told me to execute.  He said I needed to do something every single day to accomplish my goals. This sincerely spoke to me.

It's important to finish what you start. It's important to be accountable to yourself and to the stakeholders of your goals. Being accountable is important and it’s also one of those things we innately know we should do but we don’t always do. In all honesty, it’s redundant, but anyone in need of a little remediation needs it more than once. I have been exposed to many articles that stated something similar, but the message didn’t have any effect until Mr. Dapper said it. Perhaps it was his presentation skills, perhaps it was his Hermes belt, or even those Gucci glasses; I digress. If you want to be good at something, create a good habit, or get a new job, you need to do work at it daily. Every. Single. Day.  Be accountable and gitter done.  Here starts day #3 for me and it doesn’t stop until I have met my goals. 

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