I have an ambitious set of friends who are all diverse and varied in their accomplishments. I am lucky. My friendships don't have a monotone to them and I appreciate that about them. I can ask one question to my circle of friends and get several different answers, all good answers, all different answers. I figured this would be good for my blog. I am good at philosophizing things and even articulating what I do to stay in shape. One is good at cooking and baking. Another is the most financially responsible person I know. And yet another is great at finding good deals ranging from apples to afghans to airfare. I love the diversity in my sphere of influence. It is good to not have to rely on the same opinion with several different voices.
How is your sphere of influence? Do you associate with the same person in different form? It may be time to think outside of the box. Does this close you off to valuable opinions that could change your life or even allow you to see a new perspective?
The election is next week. Next week we will know if our current POTUS (President of the United States) will stay or go based on how the majority of us feel about his competence as a leader. Or based on how the electoral college feels. I am a true moderate. I have voted both Republican and Democratic each time I have voted. I have not limited my views on how others like me feel about anything. I value the opinions of others. While posting my own (in my opinion witty) commentary on the debates, I was exposed to challenging statements to counter my own views. I even saw some challenging statements come across my timeline that I added my own thoughts on. Some things that were posted I agreed with even if they were not in favor of my candidate of choice.
So I will conclude this rather short blog with this: Broaden your scope. It doesn't help you, our nation, our children and the world if we all remain convicted to views that could be outdated and harmful to our future. It hasn't been 100 years that women could vote; both candidates are fighting hard to show their support of the voice of women. Imagine how different this election would be if it were in 1918... It's a good thing that even back then our ancestors had the foresight to not remain true to what they have always done.
Be receptive to all things, even the things you don't agree with. You never know how valuable another opinion could be.
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